Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Welcome Spring!

Eastern North Carolina is dressing-up in her finest attire to welcome the much-anticipated return of spring.  All over our neighborhood, the flowers and bushes are in full-bloom...giving praise to their Creator and joy to those who pass by.

It's spring! Farewell
     To chills and colds!
     The blushing, girlish
     World unfolds
Each flower, leaf
     And blade of sod—
     Small letters sent
     To her from God.
~John Updike
Our family feels mighty happy to be outside feeling the warm sun and breathing the fresh air again...

Here's a little song for all of us who have had 
a "long, cold, lonely winter..."

1 comment:

  1. love your choice in music..... wish we had more sun, but we do have the Son in our hearts everyday.....
