Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter

We hope your celebration of the Savior's resurrection was as joyful as ours has been.  Our family is so thankful that the five of us are never, ever alone:  Jesus is always with us.  :)

And I am happy that the Lord bloomed my bushes just in time to take some Easter pictures of the kids in the yard.

Christopher, age 11.  Growing-up entirely too fast. 
"Cause Every Girl Crazy 'Bout A Sharp-Dressed Man" 
Barnette, age 9.
 Anna Jean, age 6.


  1. Boy you have the knack for snapping pictures. Everyone looks beautiful. Where are the pictures of mom and dad?

  2. Thanks for the complement about the pictures! And Tim and I had no Easter picture of ourselves this year because we had no Larry Harrell to take it... ;) Miss and love you very much.

  3. Great photos - wow they are growing up! Yes we always want mom and dad photos! Love and miss everyone!
