Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Gingerbread House

Mega thanks to our friends Tim and Diana for once again blessing our family with a homemade gingerbread house kit!!!  As always, we had a blast putting it together, and now our house smells like fresh gingerbread....
 Now that the kids are getting older, it's fun to be able to plan-out what our gingerbread house is going to look like.  
So we laid-out all the pieces...
 And Tim - with great intensity - began the construction.  
This year, Tim told his apprentice Christopher that Christopher is only a few years away from being old enough to be handed the responsibility of constructing the house himself.  :)
 And then comes the fun part: decorating!
 And wah-la!
The Barnette Family Gingerbread House 2013

Just for fun, we perused the photo archives of our family gingerbread houses of years' past...
 Thank you Tim and Diana for sending us
years of happy Christmas memories!

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