Friday, March 8, 2013

Warm and Happy Thoughts

Wouldn't you know that just when I'm itching for a little sunshine, I found a bunch of pictures on my camera phone today that I'd never uploaded from a warm afternoon last August in the garden of Betty and Hoby Howard.

OK.  So I'm not supposed to have favorites in my congregation.  But I'll be honest and tell you that Miss Betty and Mr. Hoby are definetly two of my favorites.  And not just because they make Tim's favorite homemade dill pickles, or because they always hold our hands when we pray with them,  or because they give us yummy stuff out of their garden... like brussel sprouts, tomatoes, potatoes, asparagus, zuchini and squash, grapes, peaches and blackberries.
On this particular day, Betty called me and told me to bring the kids over for an hour so they could have a "shopping spree" in their garden before she and Hoby shut it down for the year.  John said, "Mama, this is even better than King's Island!"  :)

Hoby, if you're reading this, I am much in prayer for those lungs of yours to start working right again!  Here's hoping you're feeling well soon, before it's time to put seeds in the ground...

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