Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Snow Day

Well, they were forecasting 3" of snow yesterday, but we wound-up with a tad bit more.  
Ohio continues to defy the prophecy of a certain groundhog who told us last month to expect an early spring....
Add these inches of snow to the rest, and Cincinnati had an average winter, with a total of 21" this year.  (I say "total" because I assume we will not have any more, what with it being March 6th.)  Believe it or not, this is our children's very first snow day of the school year.  Our school systems do not often cancel.  I guess the powers-that-be figured that this one was just too pretty for the children to be stuck in a classroom, and graced them with a final sled-ride or two down a hill.

This morning our family took a nice long walk through the woods of the church grounds to enjoy what looks to be our last big snow for a while...

Below: I am certain that Anna has hands and eyes somewhere in there.  Just can't see 'em.

My angels.

Unfortunately, Anna Jean is not much of a fan of the snow or cold (as seen below).  After about 10 minutes outside, she's ready to pack it up and head inside to get warm.

"For He says to the snow, 'Fall to the earth,' and the torrential rains, His mighty torrential rains, serve as His signature to all mankind, so that all men may know His work." (Job 37: 6-7)

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