Friday, January 4, 2013

Dead Sea Scrolls

 We visited the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit at the Cincinnati Museum Center.  Although we weren't allowed to take photos of the Dead Sea Scrolls, we got some great shots of the other antiquities.  And the scrolls were really astounding:  I was shocked by how small the writing was!  I'm not sure how people who had no eyeglasses could read such small writing.

 (Above) Some of the pots that were found in the Qumren region, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were kept. (Below) A scale and weights found in the Dead Sea caves.  Do you see that small, round black gadget in the back of the glass box?  That's a thermometer that ensures that the temperature and humidity are kept just right:  these were found in every exhibit.

 Sadly, archeologists have also found many idols like these along with the scrolls.  These are the "graven images" that the Lord told the Israelites not to make.

 There was also an exhibit at the museum about how Cincinnati was involved in the Civil War.  Being Civil War buffs, we couldn't pass it up...

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