Friday, December 7, 2012

Senior Luncheon, CPBC

On Sunday I had the privledge of once again attending the Senior Luncheon at church.  The theme this year was "The Old Time Gospel Hour," and they had some fantastic quartet music playing.  It was great fun!

 Below were the organizers of this year's luncheon:  Janie Burk, Sheriann Robinette, Jennifer Schott, and Clarence Cherry.  They did a fantastic job!

 For the program following lunch, I was blessed to be able to play the piano.  We also had Sarah Schott, age 8, sing for us while her dad played the guitar, and Tex Lawson sang.  Jewell Shearer, who has taught pre-schoolers for 50 years, did a devotional.

 Leo Waggal (pictured above, having his hand held) always treats those who come to the luncheon to wonderful gifts.  Below, his annual coo-coo clock was raffled off.  The clocks Leo makes for this event are absolutely amazing, being intricately carved.   And everyone who came went home with an ornament that had been hand-carved and decorated by Leo. Our Christmas tree is FILLED with these beautiful ornaments that we've received from 5 years of attending the Senior Christmas Luncheon!  It's amazing to think that Leo does his wood carving with a scroll saw bit that it only slightly larger than a toothpick...

Sadly, Leo was recently diagnosed with Macular Degeneration.  He is now almost blind, and these were the last ornaments and clock he will ever be able to make.  All those ornaments and clocks will now be special treasures to those who have received them through the years.

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