Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Over the river and through the woods
To Grandmother's house we go!  

John, Anna, and Christopher bundled-up in the backseat on Thanksgiving morning to head for West Virginia.

We had a great time catching-up with relatives over Thanksgiving, including my 2nd cousin Neal and his mom, Judy.  Neal came all the way from South Padre Island, Texas, and I hadn't seen him for close to 30 years!   I found it interesting that even though we live about 1500 miles apart and never see each other, we talk EXACTLY alike.  I always feel at home when I speak with folks who have a West Virginia accent.  :)

I had the chance to visit with Mamaw Rita, my 92-year old grandmother who recently moved into a nursing home.  Although she has advanced Alzheimer's disease, Tim and I were thrilled that she remembered us, and that she even remembered that we had three children.  It was a happy visit.
Clough Pike Baptist was busy during Thanksgiving week.  We packed 25 boxes to hand-out to folks for our new Hispanic church plant.  The boxes had non-perishable food, plus a gift card to buy a turkey from a local grocery story.
We also had our annual Bountiful Blessings Dinner and Annual Business Meeting.

The dinner afforded everyone a chance to to enjoy the three new baby girls born into our church family in recent weeks:  Lily, Charlotte, and Natalia.

"Oh, give thanks to the Lord!
Call upon His name;
Make known His deeds among the peoples!" -Psalm 105: 1

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