Sunday, April 1, 2012

We had never tried the Meigs Creek Trail. We only made it about 2 miles up the trail, when we got out the hiking guide and read that it was 'especially prone to rattlesnakes.' Ick. Nothing like having to walk through the woods and listen for rattles! Thankfully, the Lord kept the rattlers away, and we made it almost to the end. Seeing that the skies were turning dark, we decided to turn back. The thunder began to roll and the clouds darkened, and we prayed that we could get home before the rain. Amazingly, we got inside the van and buckled our seatbelts just as the rain began to pelt our windshield. We were CERTAIN that Jesus had answered our prayer and held-off the rain for us. It actually turned into a pretty bad storm, with pounding rain and hail. How thankful we were to be spared from being out in it!

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