Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Can anyone identify this thing we saw in the sky?

Last Friday, the clouds parted and the sky turned this odd shade, and there was this crazy-looking shiny thing up in the sky. I vaguely have a recognition of seeing it before, but I can't quite remember it. After having the rainiest month in Cincinnati's history (April), and having an almost equally as wet May, I was amazed by this funny-looking object, so I took a picture of it to see if any of you could ID it for me. Whatever it was, it made the rain stop and warmed-up the temperatures. So we headed OUT OF THE HOUSE for the evening: yee-ha! We went to one of our very favorite parks, Miami Meadows, which is near the boys' school.

(above) John has lost one of his 2 front teeth, and the other is just hanging on.

(below) Anna LOVES to feed the ducks!

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