Friday, February 11, 2011

Tim's Sunday School Class

from left to right: Rachel Sweet; John Helms; Sarah, Josh Shaw and their new baby Savannah (Josh is a graduate of Poca High School!); Jenna Sweet, and Tim
After we finished the IMPORTANT and EXCITING and THRILLING Food Pantry Souper Bowl on Sunday morning, Tim's Sunday School class decided to get together because they heard there would be some sort of football game or other on TV (ha-ha). We all got together at Faith and Jeff Mahaffey's house to watch the big game.

Tim's SS class is called Hy-brid because it is a mix of married and single people in their 20's. I don't attend that class - I teach a pre-school class - so I enjoyed getting to meet some of the folks who came. There were only a few people able to make it, but we had a good time chatting and stuff. Faith made this adorable football chocolate cake that was almost too cute the cut!

Our synopsis of the game? The plays were exciting, but the commercials were too crass. We had fun!