Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day! We had a good one, a bit early.... Tim gave me these beautiful roses and irises on Saturday, and then we went out by ourselves to a nice dinner at Carabba's (Italian Grill). Even though the wait was long - apparently we weren't the only ones who had the idea of going out to dinner the Saturday night before Valentine's Day - the food was divine!

We were so thankful to Janice Adams, our church's children's director, and Jill Connor, the pre-school director, for organizing a Kids' Night Out. All the moms and dads from church could drop their kids off at the church for 3 hours of free baby-sitting: how great is that?!?! They even fed the kids pizza for dinner, and then played games and showed them movies and did crafts with them. All the children had a blast, and the parents had a wonderful date night. A little piece of Heaven!
