Monday, September 6, 2010

Welcome to Our Family Blog!

Hello Everyone! Welcome to our Family Blog! Inspired by our friend Alison Clemans and her delightful blog, we have created this page to stay in touch with our loved ones who do not live close to us. We have named our blog not so much after memorable 70's television, but in recognition of the fact that we live in a parsonage, a house owned by a church.

Christopher is now 8 years old, John is 6, and Anna Jean just turned 3. (Tim is 37 and I'm 36, but that's neither here nor there!) In honor of Labor Day being the last day of summer, I'm paying homage to my favorite vacation pictures from Cherry Grove, South Carolina in July. Mmmm, South Carolina. Good times....good times. I have a great family picture of all 5 of us from that vacation, but I'm saving it for Christmas cards.

Check back with me in the next few days, and I will have blogged again about our family adventures. Hopefully by then, I will figure out how to strategically place my pictures inside the text like Alison does (her page looks much better than mine). Until then, thanks for checking in with us!


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