Sunday, September 12, 2010

Historic Reds Game

Greetings Reds fans! Tim and the boys went with a group from our church to see the Reds play the Pirates Saturday evening. It turned-out to be quite historic, because Pete Rose was honored publically for the very first time since he was banned from baseball in the 1980's. Tim says that Pete was not allowed to speak, but he was allowed to walk out onto the field and wave at the crowd, who gave him a thunderous standing ovation. The crowd also held up large signs that said, "Put Pete in the Hall of Fame!" The entire pre-game ceremony had to be approved by the MLB. I'm glad that Christopher and John were able to be there.

Pete was honored at the first base line, which was facing our group's seats (granted, our grou was pretty high-up, but that's what you get when you only get the $10 tickets, I guess!). That's Pete Rose in the middle of the right-side group: he's standing in the middle.

Here was their view of the Ohio River. They walked across this bridge to park.
You can't beat free parking!

Mostly, though, Tim says that the boys were interested in hot dogs, peanuts, and popcorn!
