Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Happy 12th Birthday, John!

 Happy 12th Birthday, John!!!

 When we gave John the choice of doing whatever he wanted on his birthday, he wanted to hike to the peak of Crowder's Mountain... because John is ALL BOY! On this crazy-hot day in the middle of sumer in the South, we got lots of water and headed-up the mountain.  It was in fact SO hot that when we arrived at Crowder's Mountain, there was a news story being shot about the heat.  We were interviewed for the story and made the 6:00 news!

With John being John, he found several critters on his way up and back down the mountain.  
 A boy and his snake...

After we came back down off the mountain, we enjoyed John's birthday dinner at his favorite Mexican Restaurant called On the Border.  I cannot tell you how many times we had our soft drinks refilled!!!


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