Friday, February 26, 2016

SBCToday Article: Nehemiah and the Pastor's Wife

My newest article published in SBCToday:



  1. A new pastor's wife who wanted to convey how much I appreciated your post on Nehemiah. If I had clicked on your blog I would have left the comment here first. It was so relatable. Had a real challenge when a Hothead and Dreamer attempted to create great dissention in our church. But 1 John 4:4 prevailed. Fervent prayer softened ad changed hearts and a much sweeter Spirit permeates throughout our church now. God would not have caused us to move 2500 miles only to destroy my husband's ministry. (Too many miraculous events occurred to bring us here.) Those challenges were only a TEST and we resisted the discouragement (and temporary fear) to continue to encourage others in the Word. Thank you ever so much for your post! Blessings,

  2. Where did THAT photo appear from? It was from Arizona. Ha! Sorry, please check out what I look like now at (oh my, so embarrassed)
