Thursday, February 25, 2016


Faith Baptist Church's first "faithWORKS Community Day" last Sunday was a HUGE success!  We had close to twice the workers we had hoped for, and we were able to do some fantastic projects around the area! 

Our group was sent to Elizabeth Dole Elementary (yes...named after the Elizabeth Dole who is married to Bob Dole: she's a native of the community) to do outside yard work and painting.  The Lord graciously provided a mild, dry February Day for our work.

 Another group went to Faith Elementary to make treat bags for teachers and to prayer-walk the school.  What an amazing community we live in: we asked the principal for service projects and he asked us to prayer-walk his school!

Several members of this group actually cried when they came to a classroom and saw a thank-you card on a bulletin board written by a child who was thankful for the homeless shelter her family now lives in, because it has become "home" for her family.

And finally, a group went to Rowan Helping Ministries (the community's homeless shelter and food pantry) to paint, put down carpet tiles, and organize food.  Anna and some of the other kids went with this group and had a blast!!!

We'll be doing another faithWORKS in May and we're already looking forward to it!!!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Art Exhibit

 One of Christopher's paintings was included in an exhibit called "Rowan County's Young Artists" at the Water Works Art Gallery in Salisbury this evening!  We had a blast at the reception.  Thanks so much to the gallery and to the Rowan County Home School Association for the event!  The exhibit will run until the end of February.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Spelling Bee

 And a Happy Bee Day it was!  Last week our kids participated in the Rowan County Home School Association's annual spelling bee.  We were very proud!

 John spelled the words yam, cranny, x-ray, and he lost on the word likeable.
 Anna Jean spelled the word peep and lost on the word problem.  Tim and I got a big kick out of that, because one of Anna's favorite sayings is, "The problem is...."
 Christopher spelled the words truck, goldfish, rare, people, coward, Band Aid, rattler, hubbub, catalog, parable, nurture, entertain, sympathy, and lost on the word casserole.