Monday, June 22, 2015

One Blessed Swing Stand

Tim and I are so grateful to the Handyman Ministry of Faith Baptist Church, who built us a swing stand for our swing.  Our new porch (a) has an aluminum siding roof and (b) is higher than the average roof, making it impossible to hang our swing.  But now we're swingin' again!  Thanks, guys!

My favorite part of the swing is where they marked John 3:16 on it, which they do for all their projects.  I'll never paint over it!  In fact, the very night the swing stand was delivered and the swing was hung, a HUGE storm blew through Kannapolis.  The storm was so strong, in fact, that it blew down the portico of the Kannapolis YMCA.  During the storm, everything else on our porch blew all over the place.  But our swing stand stood perfectly still.  Perhaps it was the power of God that had been written on it?

The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch swing with, never say a word, then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation that you ever had.

-Arnold H. Glasgow


  1. Did you bring that swing from your house in Rocky Mount? Is that the one you and Tim found and repaired?

  2. Yes, Kathy! Sure is. Good memory!
