Friday, May 15, 2015

Happy Birthday Christopher!

I can't believe I became the mom of a teenager today!  My baby boy turned thirteen.  With a house full of moving boxes, we had to get creative about how we could celebrate such a momentous occassion.  So we drove our birthday boy over to the coast and soaked-up some sun and ate some of Christopher's favorite food.  Perk #1 to being a teenager: no longer having to order off the kids' menu!

Tim and I are often told these days that we will hate the teen years.  That we will pull our hair out parenting a teen.  That life will all-around be terrible with a teen in the house.  But we have assured Christopher that he has two choices in life now that he is a spend these years rebelling against God and pulling away from Him, or to spend these years growing to know God better and bringing glory to Him.  I like to believe that although there are certainly going to be bumps in the road (and on the face), Christopher's journey into adolescence is going to be a wonderful and exciting time of joy.

By request, Christopher's cake was VERY chocolate:  triple chocolate chunk cake, chocolate fudge icing, and chocolate sprinkles.  With Mrs. Fields Chocolate Fudge Brownie ice cream.  THAT'S a lot of chocolate!

(Oops.  I mean teenage boy!)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like the teenage years are upon you. It will be a wonderful time for everyone. You and Tim have done a great job so far and I know that you will breeze right through it
