Friday, February 27, 2015

Happy Birthday Mom!

On the 15th of February, I was blessed to be in West Virginia to celebrate a very special birthday of my beautiful, intelligent, kind, Godly, faithful, stylish, talented, generous, fun, and all-around amazing mom.  Mom is my favorite girlfriend, and we have such great fun together!  Of all the many things she has taught me through the years, the greatest has to be how to be a good mother.  I LOVE YOU, MOM, and if I turn-out just like you I will have considered myself a tremendous success in life!!!
 For Mom's birthday I made a scrapbook of birthday wishes from some of her favorite people.  I think she liked it...

As a special surprise, two of her favorite writer/commentators from FoxNews wished Mom a happy birthday... Bill O'Reilly sent her a postcard and Charles Krauthammer sent her an autographed book!

A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun.  Enjoy the trip.
-Author Unknown

I intend to live forever.  So far, so good.
-Steven Wright

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