Thursday, March 20, 2014

Look Ma...No Hair!

Poor Anna was born with the unfortunate condition of being "tender-headed" (as we always called it when I was growing-up in West Virginia).  She puts-on a brave face, but sometimes the tears just start coming when tangles have to be worked out and hair has to be fixed.  It breaks my heart!  So she and I decided that today - the first day of spring - was the day to chop it off and make life a little happier...for more than just ourselves.

I asked Anna at the last minute, 
"Are you SURE you want to do this???"
"Yep!" she assured me.
  The girl at the haircut store pulled Anna's hair into a pony tail and measured (to make sure the ponytail was long enough...)

And just like that...10" of hair was gone!

   Then it was just a matter of trimming, blow-drying...
 And Anna Jean was a whole new girl!

Before and After: 
So, what's the funnest thing about cutting-off almost a foot of your hair?  
Not telling Daddy you're going to do it, and surprising him when he gets home from work!

As for that big ponytail...well, it still has plenty of life left.  It's in an envelope on its way to Locks of Love, an organization that uses donated hair of at least 10" to create wigs for children who have lost their hair due to medical conditions such as cancer.  We are prayerful that somewhere out there a little boy or girl will be blessed by Anna's gift, and will run and play and smile with a new head of pretty brown hair.


  1. WOW!!! How awesome! Samantha did Locks of Love one time! That is amazing. She is absolutely beautiful! Way to go Anna!

  2. Oh my gosh!!! You are very pretty with short hair Anna. We LOVE the new look. And Kara It brought tears to my eyes to watch the video of the hair being cut off, but we are so glad that the hair is going to Locks of Love...

  3. WOW!!! I love the new do on Anna! So Pretty and I'm proud of Anna for donating it to such a great cause! Love and praying for you kids every morning and night! I miss you! Uncle Doak

  4. Kelsey & I love sweet Anna's new hair cut! Beautiful!!
