Friday, June 28, 2013

Medoc Mountain

 Now that the unpacking is all done and we're settled in, it's time to get out and start exploring our new area.  So on Tim's day off today we headed about 30 miles north of Rocky Mount to Medoc Mountain State Park.
Had a great time! 

Here's what we learned from our first hike since moving to Eastern Carolina:

1.  IT'S BEAUTIFUL to walk through the pine needle-covered paths, which wind aimlessly through the woods here.  There are no steep hills to climb, or treacherous terrain to navigate.  It's just an awesome walk.  And it's cool out in that state park, even on a hot June day like this one was.

 2.  We learned that the woods here are covered with pretty white QUARTZ rocks.  John brought one home as a souvenier.
* Our family sincerely apologizes to the fine officials in the State of North Carolina.  Little did we know that it is ILLEGAL to take a rock out of a state park!  We assure those of you who are powers-that-be in the Parks and Recreation Department that on our next family excursion to Medoc Mountain, we will replace that beautiful Quartz rock EXACTLY where we found it.  Until then, it will make a great keepsake in John's room.  :D
  3.  We learned that you can make lots of NEW FRIENDS hiking in the woods of Medoc Mountain.
Well.... maybe they aren't the kind of friends that you'd want to take home with you.  But they'll sure stick with you faithfully!

 We apparently aren't the only ones struggling with these little "buddies...."  
We saw the sign below at the beginning of a trail.
The best way to show someone you love them is to check them for ticks.  Ha!  
 4.  And finally, we learned that a great way to top-off a good day of hiking in Eastern Carolina is over the really yummy enchiladas at EL TAPATIO on North Wesleyan Avenue.  Oh, wait.  I don't guess enchiladas have anything to do with hiking, do they???

Friday, June 14, 2013

Oh, The Lawns That You'll Mow

Today was a big day in the life of my little men:
They learned to mow the grass with a lawnmower!!!

Grass Cutting Procedures:
Step #1: Take off your shirt, so as to "impress the ladies" in the neighborhood who might be watching.
Step #2: Pick up all the pinecones in the yard that come from living beside 100 acres of pine forest.
Step #3: Attempt to prime the pump.
Step #4: Get Dad to prime the pump because it's too hard.
Step #5:  Mow the grass.

Tim is a happy camper this Father's Day weekend...
His days of mowing the grass are numbered.  :)

Saturday, June 8, 2013

The Class of 2025

Congratulations to the Kindergarten graduates of Milford Christian Academy this year!

Kindergarten graduation was the night we left Cincinnati, so it was an opportunity for the kids to say one final goodbye to their favorite friends and teachers....

Thank you to Miss Baker and Mrs. Daniels for doing an OUTSTANDING job teaching the class this year!!!
The graduation ceremony also included a patriotic program which displayed some of what the kids had learned through the year....

Saturday, June 1, 2013


 After weeks of packing, we finally made it to moving day!  

So now everything that has been packed must be unpacked.  Time to start working backwards.

Throughout the move, our family adopted this song and listened to it over and over and over again:

Our house might still be full of boxes, and we might be pretty tired, and we might not even be able to find our way to Oakdale Baptist Church tomorrow morning without a little help from Garmin...  
But praise God we finally made it every single step of the long way home.