Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day

 Just got home from a great trip to West Virginia, where I had the rare pleasure of spending Mother's Day with my mom.  If you're reading this Mom, WE LOVE YOU!
The kids enjoyed their time with Mamaw Barnette, too.  And if you're reading this, Mamaw, WE LOVE YOU!

I visited my 92 year old grandmother in her nursing home.  Mamaw Rita has Alzheimer's.  I spoon-fed her lunch.  Humbling.

On Sunday morning, I was able to attend church with Mom and Dad.  They still go to the church I attended as a child: Dunbar First Baptist.  I had a great time catching-up with people there.  How do people who taught me to sing "I'm In the Lord's Army" when I was a kid still look EXACTLY the same when I'm 39????

I snapped a shot of this special place in my life.  These are the stairs where I was led to the Lord by a Junior Church (that's what we called it back in the day) teacher when I was ten years old.  I consider this spot Holy Ground.  :)
On Saturday, I had the distinct pleasure of attending a baby shower for my dear friend, Alison Clemans.  I had a fun afternoon catching-up with old friends from our last church, Good Shepherd Baptist in Scott Depot, West Virginia.  

I also was able to watch my sweet niece Lindsay play in the State High School Tennis Tournament while I was in town.  Lindsay, who is only a freshman, made it all the way to the finals, where she lost in a nail-biting 3rd set tie-breaker.  
We are so proud of you, Lindsay!

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