Friday, February 8, 2013


Tim and I have concluded that this has to be the longest, darkest winter in our 8 years in Cincinnati.  The sun rarely shines, and it gets up late in the morning and goes to bed early at night.  Although this has not been the winter that has seen the most snow, it has been treacherous at times.  This morning we awoke to what forecasters called "accumulating ice."  It has definitely been a good few months to light some candles, cook some soup, stay inside, and dream of "somewhere greener, somewhere warmer."

But we've made the best out of it.  Here are a few of our prettiest memories of Winter 2013.

Look closely and you'll see our puppy inside the door getting her first look at real snow.  :)The view from my front door, facing the church:Our yard:
My favorite winter poem:

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

by Robert Frost

Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound’s the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

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