Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Over the river and through the woods
To Grandmother's house we go!  

John, Anna, and Christopher bundled-up in the backseat on Thanksgiving morning to head for West Virginia.

We had a great time catching-up with relatives over Thanksgiving, including my 2nd cousin Neal and his mom, Judy.  Neal came all the way from South Padre Island, Texas, and I hadn't seen him for close to 30 years!   I found it interesting that even though we live about 1500 miles apart and never see each other, we talk EXACTLY alike.  I always feel at home when I speak with folks who have a West Virginia accent.  :)

I had the chance to visit with Mamaw Rita, my 92-year old grandmother who recently moved into a nursing home.  Although she has advanced Alzheimer's disease, Tim and I were thrilled that she remembered us, and that she even remembered that we had three children.  It was a happy visit.
Clough Pike Baptist was busy during Thanksgiving week.  We packed 25 boxes to hand-out to folks for our new Hispanic church plant.  The boxes had non-perishable food, plus a gift card to buy a turkey from a local grocery story.
We also had our annual Bountiful Blessings Dinner and Annual Business Meeting.

The dinner afforded everyone a chance to to enjoy the three new baby girls born into our church family in recent weeks:  Lily, Charlotte, and Natalia.

"Oh, give thanks to the Lord!
Call upon His name;
Make known His deeds among the peoples!" -Psalm 105: 1

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Big Tree Climber: Christopher, Age 10

Long before we moved into the parsonage 7 years ago, God grew the PERFECT tree for climbing right beside our house.   It's incalculable how many hours my Christopher spends up in that tree...

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Welcome Prospect!

We recently added a new member to our family, a beagle named Prospect.  We adopted her from a rescue shelter on the West Side of Cincinnati.  Prospect was 7 months old when we adopted her.  She had spent her life bouncing from place to place: shelters, rescues...even living as a stray.  She is certainly happy that she has a warm and cozy home now!  

The top picture is the day we got her.  We completely surprised the kids, who had been begging us for a puppy for some time.  They were shocked when they saw her waiting for them in the yard!  We had hoped to put the puppy in a box and have them unwrap it, but her legs were so long, she wouldn't fit in the box.  :)

I have learned not to leave laundry sitting out in baskets.  Prospect turns my laundry into a bed. (above)
(below) Prospect chews-up EVERYTHING, including our office chair at our computer!

 Prospect's favorite activity in the whole world is treeing squirrels.  So we bought her a stuffed animal that looks like a squirrel and squeaks.  She loves it:  she carries it around all the time.

Prospect is a GREAT dog:  she should be the poster dog for rescues and shelters.  When we got her at 7 months old, she was already cage-trained and housebroken.  She doesn't bark too often, she's gentle with the kids, and she greatly enjoys taking walks with us, especially if we're heading for the woods.