Saturday, July 21, 2012


We visited the Cincinnati Museum Center yesterday.  For those of you who are familiar with the 80's show Superfriends, you may notice that the Hall of Justice looked just like this museum.  That's because the Hall of Justice was modeled after the museum.  The makers of Superman, Batman, Wonderwoman, Aquaman, etc. - Kenner - were from Cincinnati and were familiar with this building, which was originally a train station.  
 The saddest part of the Pompeii exhibit was the plethera of false god artifacts that they found, including those above.  The Pompeii people were really devoted to their ancient gods.  The statement below was very convicting for me to share the Gospel with my own lost generation.

 The kids' favorite part of the exhibit was the food that they have found from Pompeii.

When we got to the part where the plaster cast molds of the people were displayed, John actually began sobbing and crying because he said he was "sad about the people who died."  It was really moving.  When you got up close, you could actually see the facial expressions of the people.  The exhibit that saddened me the most was of a man and woman who were reaching to hold each other.  The kids were most moved by a guard dog, which still had a chain and leash around its neck. The one below was a child almost exactly the size of John.
 Although not exhibited at the museum, the excavated finding which Tim thought was the most interesting was of a woman who was found turning back to Pompeii and reaching down to the ground.  When they continued excavating, they discovered that she was reaching for a strand of pearls.

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