Saturday, February 18, 2012

Eat Raw

Tim and I had a real treat this week: eating at an organic/vegan/raw restaurant! When a friend of mine introduced me to the concept of raw food, my interest was peaked. So we found one of these restaurants downtown and went for lunch. I wasn't sure what to suspect...raw food (i.e. not cooked, no dairy, no meat, all organic, gluten-free, sugar-free) is NOT what I'm used to! But I have to be honest with you: it was really good! The flavors of the food come through better than usual, and you don't leave the restaurant with that "I feel awful, I ate too much" feeling that I typically have when I leave a restaurant. People who eat raw rave about it, and I can see why. I recommend it if you've never tried it.

(above) Me diving into a raw pizza. Yum! (below) Tim contemplating his raw taco salad. He's a good sport, but he's not quite sold yet.

Anna joined us, and she LOVED it! Her favorite was the smoothies at the restaurant.

(below) And yes. Here is Tim going through the drive-through at Steak and Shake on the way home. :)

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