Sunday, November 20, 2011

Happy 50th Anniversary Clough Pike Baptist!

Sunday, the 20th of November, was the 50th anniversary of our church. Happy Anniversary, CPBC!!!

A new piece was hung which had portraits sketched of the 5 pastors in the church's history. That handsome-looking guy in the bottom right is my honey. :)

Jack Helton, the Ohio Director of Evangelism, made a presentation to our church.

We were so honored to have Dr. Bobby Welch be our keynote speaker. Bobby Welch is the 2-time past President of the Southern Baptist Convention, and the former pastor of the First Baptist Church of Daytona.

Bobby really revved-up our congregation to look beyond its sometimes painful past and begin the work of the next 50 years. Dr. Welch is an amazing evangelist.

As a personal sidenote, John was so excited to meet the famous Bobby Welch that he decided at bedtime last night that he wanted to wear a tie to church in honor of the man who has led so many people to Jesus. So at 10:00 last night, Tim and John trudged to Kohl's so that John could pick-out his very own tie....

...which amazingly enough, was almost identical to Bobby's. What an honor in our little boy's life, who aspires to be a great evangelist himself someday!

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