Saturday, September 24, 2011

Date Night

You've just gotta have a good date night out with your husband from time to time. Amen??? Mega thanks to Mike and Kathy Geers for watching our crew while we headed for the......yum.....Cheesecake Factory and Kenwood Towne Center. Hey Lindsay.... Guess where Aunt Kara took Uncle Tim??? Forever 21! Look at the sheer delight on Uncle Tim's face as I prepared to walk him through the trendiest store in the mall! And if you think he looked happy here, you should have seen him when I made him walk through Nordstrom's with me. I've never seen such a puzzled expression as when Tim picked-up his first pair of Jimmy Choo shoes. $1000 a pair!

1 comment:

  1. I love Forever 21! And AJ hates it, so he and your hubby can sympathize. The clothes aren't really my style, but have you ever looked at their jewelry?! It's so cheap! I love their earrings and necklaces. And, also, I love your sweater. And, I love the cheesecake factory. And, I love both of YOU! :)
