Tuesday, September 27, 2011

There's a Reason They Call Them Pedi-CURES...

...because they CURE what ails you! Mega thanks to Faith Mahaffey for treating me to a yummy pedicure, complete with message chair while our feet were pampered. A little taste of Heaven!!!

When the guy who owned the place heard Faith and me talking about me putting pictures on my blog, he got very excited and did a much better job on my nails with the hopes I would put pictures of my pedicare on it and mention his salon! Poor guy thought I had some kind of big following... So those of you DO live in the Eastern Cincy area, I went to Amelia Nails right beside the Kroger's on 125.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Date Night

You've just gotta have a good date night out with your husband from time to time. Amen??? Mega thanks to Mike and Kathy Geers for watching our crew while we headed for the......yum.....Cheesecake Factory and Kenwood Towne Center. Hey Lindsay.... Guess where Aunt Kara took Uncle Tim??? Forever 21! Look at the sheer delight on Uncle Tim's face as I prepared to walk him through the trendiest store in the mall! And if you think he looked happy here, you should have seen him when I made him walk through Nordstrom's with me. I've never seen such a puzzled expression as when Tim picked-up his first pair of Jimmy Choo shoes. $1000 a pair!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

World's Largest Indoor Train Display

OK. First of all, let me say that this place has got to be on Tim Kearney's list of things-to-do. On a rainy Labor Day, we headed to the newly finished Entertrainment Junction in Westchester, right outside of Cincinnati. It's home to the World's Largest Indoor Train Display: 25,000 square feet of model trains and scenery. It was amazing!!! The train display was broken-up into three sections. The first section was the beginning of trains, from the mid 1800's through early 1900's. Below is an Old West section....

A coal camp on a moutainside. I loved it!

The most interesting novelty that we saw: a morgue, complete with caskets...
A Civil War battleground... The trains wound their way through endless track around the display. On the loudspeaker were noises that trains would make as they passed you, such as whistles, screeching brakes, and chugging steam engines.

There was an overlook where you could see farmland from above...
The next period was the Middle Period, from the 1940's through the late 20th's Century. Below we saw a jail, complete with a prison making a jail break!

A 1950's Drive-In...

By far, though, the most interesting section was the modern section, which was supposed to represent the 21st Century. It was huge! These trains were set in a big city. The companies on the buildings actually had modern sponsors....

See that red crane in the background, below? It actually continually moved. There was a high-rise supposedly being built that the trains were bringing supplies for...

Outside, they gave kids rides on a miniature Thomas train on a track that circled the building. There was also a train-themed indoor playground inside.

I would have loved to have taken more pictures of the actual trains themselves, but unfortunately, it's pretty impossible to get a good picture of a moving train that is behind plex-glass. Nonetheless, it was a wonderful time, and I would highly recommend it for children or adults alike. But especially for Tim Kearney, if he ever happened to be in the Cincinnati area!


Sunday, September 4, 2011

Happenings with the Barnette Family

First Day of 2nd and 4th Grades at Milford Christian Academy:

Anna's 1st Piano Lesson (from Mommy, her teacher). Look at those curved fingers! She's a natural!

Heading to church!

(Having a little light saber battle before Sunday School...)

Picking our garden:

Thursday, September 1, 2011