Tuesday, July 26, 2011

How We Spent Our Summer Vacation, Conclusion

Various final pictures from our vacation.

What a wonderful 10 days!!! Thank you, Lord!!!

Tim found the above starfish for me at low tide at the end of the island on Cherry Grove Beach.

One of our favorite places to visit down there is Ft. Fisher. We visit the fort, its museum, and the Ft. Fisher Aquarium.

I ate the most AWESOME shrimp and grits (I LOVE shrimp and grits) at a restaurant called The Lucky Fisherman in Southport, North Carolina. And on my plate was my very first taste of alligator. Tastes like chicken. Very chewy, flavorless chicken.

(above) John was so excited to find a restaurant named Captain John's that he made us eat there one evening. And henceforth after that meal, he made us refer to him as Captain John.

1 comment:

  1. 1. I love the self-portrait of you two! you've mastered it! :)
    2. I love the shark that Anna is enjoying in the pool. I want one for our pool!
    3. That starfish is awesome.
    4. I'm glad I'm not the only one who takes pictures with my food. Waitresses sometimes look at me funny, but it's part of my vacation for crying out loud!! :)
    5. Is the picture of John on the boardwalk taken at Sunset Beach? It looks just like our boardwalk there!
