On our first day of hiking the Great Smokys, the weather was absolutely PERFECT!
75 degrees and sunny.
Ok. So we didn't hike the entire 1972 miles to Maine on the Appalachian Trail. But we did hike one good mile up the trail and one mile back, which was not bad considering the fact that it was getting pretty close to dinner time!
Thanks to the wonders of the gorilla pod - which for this picture was strapped to a tree branch - we're able to take family pictures out in the woods. Unfortunately, not even a snazzy gadget like a gorilla pod can make a 3-year old not pout in the picture! (She wanted to stand-up on the rock for the picture, but her daddy and I thought that was a bit dangerous: it was a pretty round rock.)
All in all, our Day 1 hike couldn't have gone more smoothly. If only we had known what was in store for us the next day....