Sunday, November 27, 2016

Halloween 2016

 This year for Halloween, Christopher was his favorite superhero, Hawkeye; John was his favorite condiment, a bottle of spicy Sriracha sauce; and Anna was a pirate girl.
 We went Trick-R-Treating in the town of Faith, and then headed back to the church for what turned-out to be a HUGE event: our first Light The Night With Jesus.  We gave away hot chocolate, bottled water, and glow-in-the-dark wrist bands and bracelets.  But most importantly, we gave away tracts that shared the Gospel.  We ended-up having over 400 children, plus adults!


Saturday, November 12, 2016

Christopher's Honor Society Induction

We are SO incredibly proud of Christopher for being accepted into the National Home School Honor Society!!!  His induction ceremony was held Thursday night at our church....
 Below is the 2016 Rowan County, NC chapter of 
the National Home School Honor Society: 
5 seniors and 1 freshman (Christopher).

 And after the ceremony, it was time to PARTY! We had a great reception in our church's fellowship hall.  (It's always a great party when someone brings a Chik-Fil-A platter...ha.)

Proud Mom,

Tuesday, November 8, 2016