Saturday, April 30, 2016

NYC Mission Trip: The Basement

Besides working with the after-school program, another opportunity we had was to clean-out the basement of the church where the after-school program meets, so that the after-school program could have more room to store their stuff.  Above is the "after" picture of the basement, and below are pics of everything that came-out of that basement.  That was a BIG job!


Wednesday, April 27, 2016

NYC Mission Trip: After-School Program

 The majority of what we did on our mission trip to Brownsville, Brooklyn, New York City was working with an after-school program for Graffiti 3 Ministries.  From 2:30 - 6:00 each day, the kids come to a church, where they receive help with their homework, get fed, and play.

Fortunately for us, the weather while we were there was PERFECT!  It was in the 70's and sunny, which made it just the right time to take the kids to the nearby playground.  They were so excited!!!  In particular, 18 out of 23 of the kids in the after-school program are boys, and they were super-stoked to have a man (Tim) playing basketball with them.  These boys will never be on an organized basketball team with uniforms and a coach, so the fact that Tim divided them into teams and simultaneously served as referee, coach, and player thrilled the boys to pieces!


Saturday, April 23, 2016

New York City Mission Trip

What an amazing mission trip to Brownsville, Brooklyn, New York City we had with Faith Baptist Church this week!!!

Brownsville is considered to be the most dangerous neighborhood in New York City. 

More people died from gun violence in Brownsville last year than in any other neighborhood in New York City.  

Brownsville contains the largest low-income housing project in the United States.  

In Brownsville, 9 out of 10 children will not graduate from high school.  

Our group primarily worked with an after-school program that is run by a Southern Baptist church plant.  More than 20% of the children we worked with were homeless.  Here's a short video of some of what we saw and what we did:


Saturday, April 2, 2016

I'll Fly Away

Here's my baby girl jammin' at Carolina Folkworks this Saturday morning.  
Proud Momma.
