Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Easter!

My family had a FANTASTIC 1st Easter at Faith Baptist Church today! From Tim being able to preach the community sunrise service, to a delicious breakfast served at the church, to our Sunday School class being packed, to a great worship service and really fun children's party (both of which resulted in decisions for Christ being made)...the hand of God has blessed this Easter in a mighty way. We are so happy to be here and we''re already looking forward to our future Easters at FBC!


Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Fire Department Field Trip

  We had a super-fun time touring Salisbury Fire Station #1 with the Rowan County Home School Association!  The firefighters did a tremendous job teaching the kids and their parents...


Thursday, March 17, 2016


Today I'm celebrating that my amazing, beautiful, and unsinkable mom is CANCER FREE!!!!  After battling cancer for several months, she got the "all-clear" from her oncologist today.  He's going to do a last few precautionary rounds of chemo just to make sure...but that he feels confident it's all gone.

So again I say...

LORD my God, I called to you for help, and you healed me. -Psalm 30:2
