Saturday, October 27, 2012

CPBC Trunk or Treat 2012

 Anna Jean was a princess, and Daddy was her prince...

 John was DareDevil, and Christopher was Dr. Doom.

 One of the funniest things is looking at how the adults dress-up for Trunk-or-Treat each year...

 My personal favorite costume this year??? Bob Ross (below).
 (below) I think Chris Lindsay came as a Romney/Ryan volunteer.   Oh, wait.  That's what he is all the time.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Autumn Leaves

 When the gloriously beautiful leaves in the autumn die, they fall.  Our family always takes one evening to rake those fallen leaves in our yard and see how large of a leaf pile we can make.  This year, our fallen leaf crop was our biggest ever...

 John invented a new kind of leaf jumping, where you swing as high as you can and jump off the swing.

 Our puppy Prospect has never seen fallen leaves:  this is her very first autumn.  At first, she was scared of the rake and ran to hide.  But pretty soon she got into the spirit of things (with a little help from Tim throwing her into the pile), and then she started jumping into them herself!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

 Southwest Ohio's leaves are peak.  Absolutely glorious!