Sunday, September 30, 2012

Shaw's Farms

Shaw Farms in Milford.  
Our favorite fall Ohio adventure...
 John stands with Captain Hook.

 Doing the corn maze!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Choppin' Wood

 Few things evoke quite as much as manliness as getting out the maul and splitting some fire wood, as my guys did recently.  Great memories for a mom.  :)

 After Tim had shown the boys how to swing an ax a few times, he let them try by themselves.  I'm afraid we couldn't stay warm through the winter on what Christopher and John split, but they sure tried hard.

 Cruel lesson of being a lumberjack:  
He who splits the wood must carry the wood.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Hispanic Church Plant

 I am so inspired by Julio Pineda and his wife Maria and daughter/translator Cindy!  Julio is beginning the church planting work for Clough Pike's new Hispanic church plant now, where we hope to reach the Spanish-speaking community of Eastern Cincinnati.  No church on the Eastern side of Cincy currently has a ministry for them.
 Julio is from the Dominican Republic, and is the president of a ministry training institute for Hispanics which has schools around our hemisphere.  This is his 5th Hispanic church plant.  Clough is SO excited to work with Julio!!!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

 I absolutely love living in the parsonage behind our church.  We have 12 wooded acres all to ourselves most all the time.  The other day, I spotted these two fawns and their mama grazing in the grass right outside my bedroom window.  They were even more beautiful than the camera could capture....